In this day and age robots have become a part of our day to day lives. We use them for manufacturing plants, agriculture, even filmmaking. However, there is one arena that robotics has really left a mark on, and that is in medical care. If you are running a hospital, and you need a way to speed up the process, you should really invest in robots. Here are some tips on how to automate your hospital.
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1. Use Robots For Patient Care
In the past few years, robots have been taking a very active role in patient care in hospitals. From a logical standpoint, robots are great for patient care, because they are non-biological carers, which means there is no chance of the robot getting infected by the patient. There is also the fact that robots do not tire compared to their human counterparts.
This does not mean that robot nurses are better than human nurses. While robot nurses are efficient, they could not really match the empathy and comfort that the human nurse could give to a patient. Instead, robot nurses are best used as support units to help human nurses.
2. Use Robots To Sterilize the Hospital
One of the biggest risks of working at a hospital is the ever-constant threat of getting infected. Even if the janitors do their jobs, and scrub the hospital clean, there is also the ever-present chance that disease could latch onto the cleaners. Luckily there are now robots that are specially made to disinfect hospital wards. These robots are specially designed to patrol the hospital halls and spray disinfectant on various surfaces. Some robots are even equipped with a powerful ultraviolet ray that helps sterilize surfaces of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
These robots are particularly important nowadays because the whole world is going through a pandemic. By having these kinds of robots patrol the hospital, it will dramatically lessen the chances of infection occurring.
Hand sanitizers could also be installed in robot cleaners, so passing people could effectively sanitize their hands.
3. Robots for Patient Management
Aside from caring for the patients, robots could also be used to help manage patients. Remember that hospitals are very busy places. This is especially true for hospital wards because they are full of people. As the number of patients mounts, nurses are being kept very busy. This makes it very difficult to keep track of all the patients. Luckily there are robotic options that allow robots to keep track of patients and regularly check them.
4. Endoscopy Robots
Aside from helping out with the usual administrative tasks of a hospital, there are also robots that are specially designed for more invasive procedures. One such example is the endoscopy robot. This type of robot is highly advanced and is used to run an endoscopy test on the patient. These types of robots are usually attached to a very small camera called an endoscope. The robot then guides the endoscope inside the patient’s body.
The endoscopy robots are equipped with tiny limbs that will allow them to move through the body and clear the way for the robot.
5. Surgical Robots
One of the most important attributes a doctor could have is steady and nimble hands. However, no matter how calm and skilled a surgeon is, there will always be a time where the surgeon suffers nerves or unsteady hands. This is where surgical robots come in handy. By utilizing surgical robots, surgeons can work more efficiently. These kinds of robots are extremely advanced and could perform very accurate surgical procedures with unerring accuracy.
Most surgical robots provide a supportive role to the surgeon. They are usually used for prep work before surgery. Although there are some surgical robots that are used for even more advanced operations such as coronary artery bypass, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal. Before you utilize these surgery robots, you should sterilize the robot limbs to lessen the chances of infection.
6. Robots for Patient Transfers
One of the trickiest aspects of running a hospital is patient transfers. It is tricky because patients could have an infectious disease, and if a nurse has to help him or her gets up off the bed, there are chances that the nurse will get infected as well. Luckily there are robots that are specially made to transport patients.
These types of robots are particularly robust and could handle the weight of a full-grown person. These robots are programmed to carry patients correctly. The ibote could also be installed with LED lights, so that they could light up and be seen during blackouts and other disasters.
7. Pharmaceutical Robots
No matter how skilled a nurse is, there is always a chance that the nurse makes a pharmaceutical error. This is a dangerous error because mistaken ingestion of medicines could be life-threatening for the patient. This is where pharmaceutical robots come in very handy. By using pharmaceutical robots, the chances of human errors occurring are lessened.
Some hospitals have even started to use robots to sort and organize their stock of medicine. These robots often look like wheeled metal platforms that are attached with robot arms. They could easily wheel through the hospital ward, and distribute medicine with great efficiency and accuracy. If you are thinking of having a pharmaceutical robot built for your hospital, you should try out EVS. It is an automated assembly line manufacturer that specializes in top-quality robotic options. With their robotic arms, you will be able to customize a pharmaceutical robot for your hospital.
When it comes to running a hospital ward of your own, it is very important that you modernize key aspects of your medical care methods. A great way to do this is to use robotics to automate your hospital ward. With these tips, you’ll be able to automate your hospital ward.